Digital Marketing for restaurants: Video Marketing

Hello restaurant owners, viral video is the 
fastest way to improve your branding and sales.   The strategy that I'll be sharing 
with you today is the exact method   that my client with a small candy 
shop has used to grow his unknown   brand into the most recognizable 
brand with just one viral video.   My name is Srinath I'm a trainer and consultant 
for restaurants for 15 years now in the last 7   years I've helped more than 50 restaurants 
do a profitable startup. Videos on Facebook,   Instagram and Twitter get 7 to 10 times more hit 
than your pictorial posts. Wouldn't it make a big   difference to your restaurant's digital marketing 
effort if you can start posting consistent videos?   let us see how to make your videos go viral 
but before that, we all need to understand the   difference between an influencer viral video 
and a restaurant viral video.

Point number 1;   you don't need one million hits for your videos to 
go viral. you're only targeting people in your own   city. Point number 2: you don't even need to be 
on youtube to go viral if your restaurant videos   are trending in local WhatsApp group and local 
Facebook groups, you have your restaurants first   viral video. Point number 3; unlike an influencer 
video, your viral video need not make people laugh   or smile their primary aim is to get you more 
sales and orders. Watch this video till the end   because I'll be sharing a secret strategy 
that very few people know in our industry.   Here are 5 ways to create a viral video. Step 
number 1: Choose a hero dish for your restaurant a   hero dish is a product that is unique only to your 
restaurant; a 24-inch pizza, a Bahubali thali,   fire pan, gold dosas are all examples of hero 
products. Step number 2: Hire a celebrity to   talk about your product in an interesting manner. 
People believe in third party endorsements. If you   talk of your own product it sounds like an ad. 
Step number 3: make short videos. One to two   minutes is the best. People on social media do not 
watch long videos.

Unlike music videos, long food   videos never go viral. Step number 4: add oomph 
to your video by adding peppy music. Music gives   mood to your videos and makes sure that people 
watch them till the end of your video. Here is a   secret I said i'll be sharing with you. But before 
that, if you like what you're hearing do subscribe   to my channel by clicking the share button to 
my left. Point number 5: The secret is videos   don't go viral by themselves they need a push at 
the beginning you can give this initial trust to   your videos by hiring social media influencers 
to promote it on their social media channels.   You can now sit back and enjoy orders pouring 
in for your new hero product. let's quickly look   at the 5 steps to create a viral video. Number 1- 
choose a hero product.

Number 2 – Hire a celebrity   to talk about your video in an exciting manner. 
3- Make short and sweet videos. 4- add peppy music   to your videos and 5 – Promote your viral videos 
through social media influencers. If you like what   you learned today, do explore my channel even 
more. This is Srinath, a friend and consultant   to independent restaurant owners, see you all 
soon with my next video on restaurant marketing.

As found on YouTube

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