out to do entanglement developed as theprevious tutorial we included basic HTML how to put together HTML page we learned how to do calls: openingand closing labels we learned kinda what some otherspopular tag calls are lastly there’s only ten or fifteen youactually need to know anyway so hopefully by now you’ve taken thatcourse and you’re comfortable I was kinda writing out basic HTML labels this should look decently familiar toyou if not go back to the last video and get cozy I predict it won’ttake very long there’s only a few tags you have to learn and itreally feels strange at first if you’re not used to writing anything that feels likecode but I predict it comes very quickly youwon’t be confused for long so I’ve done years I’ve made a modifiedmy precedent from the last video and now have my html with a header and a form and in that body I haveheader one which has my website I’ve got an unordered roll with a linkto three different sheets and I’ve got I too a little bit of content you notice this label up here.I left this outin the last example cuz it didn’t really apply to learning basic HTML calls but we’re gonna add this at the topevery HTML page and this just declares that the documenttype: is HTML and putting like this actually meanshtml5 so it all you need to know is that it needsto be there at this extent it mostly tells your browser aworking with an html5 sheet what I did then as I caused a brand-new sheet announced page 2 fleck html and I saved itin the same folder that I generated another sheet called page3 speck html and it’s also in the same folder you can see here I didn’t include a full http :// WWW dot my website dot com all I did is framed ait’s called a relative tie-up if you don’t set that full thing itlooks starting in the same folder that you’re in now and the reason we announced our first pageindex is because index is what its automatically going tolook like look at when you laden a web site if you go to Google fleck com a you know there can be someconfiguration changed to make it different but by default awebsite is going to look for index fleck HTML so one thing I changedhere is the first/ li if it’s on the page that you’re on nowthere’s not going to be an < a > tag Because if we’re on home we don’t have to go toHome were already there so as “youre seeing” on dwelling this is not a attach page two and three are joined and I cango to page to you and it loads sheet to you and now home and page 3 our tie-up because home isgoing index and three is going to page threeso I can now navigate between all three pages of my website..see it’s nottoo bad I mostly have a website it’s up andrunning it’s just ugly because there’s no form so let’sget into how to add style to your webpage I’ve saved a folder announced prime scatter CSS and a CSS stylesheet is how we dostyling And it mostly succeeds like this: you have aselector which is where we take up somethingwe’re going to add style to and then you have a rule the selectorbasically as brackets anything within those brackets getsapplied to the selector so the rule you have the quality that you wannachange in the appraise wanna throw it and then you’ve got a colon and an there’s a semi-colon this’ll probably be the weirdest role about CSS is gettingcomfortable going selector open some brackets go back go up property collin value semi-colon probably gazes weirdfeels like it’s a lot to memorize its gonna come really fast type yourselector open some brackets take a property picka value for you’re done so in this case we pickedbody so anything within the body is now going toget a background of 999 and we’ll get into this a little bitlater but for now that merely implies a background of gray saywhat will make it black well make it predict for now that’s alittle easier to understand so the body now gets a background threadknows when I freshen good-for-nothing happens because this style sheetis not attached at all to my sheet so there’s two waysyou can get vogue to your page you can start by just goingstyle and supplemented vogue tag and will make sure we at this attribute: sort equals text reduce CSS because we’redoing CSS style and now I can go mas background Nope , not bottom red it save hey check it out there yougo so you’re thinking why would I not clearly do it this waythis is much easier but what if we want to typein a 150 different rules and we want to be shared between all ourpages on now either have to copy paste or you made them in a separate file whichis what we’re gonna doing in there we put background red in here and now wecan link to it going to see do a relate and this href isgoing to be I’m going to link two vogues main dotCSS and I need to do rel= stylesheet and mostly what that tells it is I’mgiving you a link to a vogue membrane and we can also addtype equals text lash CSS most new browsers don’tneed that some old-time browsers are going to so nowwe’ve done is we’ve got at this associate and now all I have to do is add this link to each page and each sheet is now going to get all the styles thatI put in main.CSS so you see as I navigate every pagebackground is gruesome red I’m going to change that to a slightlymore pleasant shade 999 which is kind of a grayish colour it’s now we can add some more styleslet’s say we want to prepare our headers a better font actually let’s oblige thewhole torso a different typeface typefaces clas Ariel that’s a little bit cleanerlooking now the typeface pedigree is Arial now CSS iswhere you get into a decent bit more memorization there’sonly about 10 or 15 HTML tags you use there’s a lottaCSS owneds that you can adjust because as you can imagine every ounce of vogue but the whole pagehas is coming from the CSS properties so it’s just gonna take you a littlewhile you wanna start off with some thingsthat are more comfortable and succeed your acces up there’s not it’s not an endless blackbox there’s an terminate to it it was likely will merely take you a fewweeks and all of the abrupt you realize wow there are no more CSS qualities that Idon’t know it’s just a long few weeks have learningso unquestionably give yourselves a little bit I’m have fortitude and it will come veryquickly but firstly your gonna feel like you’re just totally drowning in the capacity to not do anything thatyou want to do but we’re gonna show you a little bitmore about selectors here real quick so here’s how you..I’ve shown you how to grabthings by tagname that’s what we did here we just createda tag name: form generally you don’t do that to too often you’ll do it for figure you’ll do for h1so I’ll become h1 I’ m gonna go color and this will be likea 333 emblazon and now you’ll notice my h1 went really alittle bit lighter let’s alter a little more 2666 all the “mark of the beast” jokes are coming up basically if you go all the way to 000 you’re a pitch-black go all the way up to you 999 you’re at agray and anything in between is kinda welland between something like that 555 but likewise a fist engage to any each to usesome going to do h1 common H to you and now you’ll notice myh2 also has a gray color I can also make this PL on any myparagraphs have a psych make this any allies on May ally status I could makethis any A’s on a pierce this and now I’ve styledeverything with a complexion 555 I don’t eighties to dothat though so perhaps I’ll construction my A’s a different hue later on let’smake my A’s a little different shade off-color ago ordinance green everything’s green region everything’s blue I want to changeit up a little bit so now we have every page is inheritingthe wordings so it’s starting to look just a littlebit better up so let’s go ahead and add maybe a couple more vogues now let’s give clauses a background hue let’s stir our paragraphs dye white-hots yeah that flood delightful I’m going to go and make PL this cuz Idon’t wanna target my P’s anymore and now we want to add precisely a little bitof padding to it see how this is like totally cramped we want that paragraph to have a littlebit more padding so that’s bellow patty and now you get to define unsafe Ipixels so now you notice to position five selects apadding on all sides make it a little bit more 10 pics slapping their ego and say justwant to be on the top and the bottom which you can actually do is if you doone value gets applied to all line-ups if UT two significances then it goes top bottom left-right Sun ap I say 10 pixels erapixels exceed foot half 10 left-right have not well the right goes all the way cuz it’sfilling up page that’s something we can address later ifyou do four values then you’re doing one for each side soI’m going it goes like this: if I go one ethic and it does all ID to you it’s going top bottom left right if I do four that kinda exits aroundclockwise just like a clock starts at the top top luminou bottom left so I can actually add four thingsyounger 10 pixels 10 pixels 0 pixels on the bottom and 0pixels on the left so now I have slapping time had herewhich can’t relatively visualize because once my verse does over thereyou’d be able to see it and I got some there for now was gonnago 10 pixels on all sides and call it a day so now any clause Iadd on nemi pages is going to get a book ourgray background white text and a nice little paddingtheir hey let’s experiment merely to be informed about at there some more sheet to content it’snice everything I get throughout my entiresite every section is gonna have a lovely little glance but say my HQ I’m gonna leave that rightwhere it is so this is kinda basically how we’regonna vogue some things let’s say we want precisely this one paragraph have a different dye to it what do wedo that we want to give it what’s considered a class yes I know we’re not supposed to haveupper lower class and the class are bad but in this case that’s just what we’re gonna call itclass I secondary let’s do that class secondary right nownothing varied but now I can add a rule targeting classsecondary and I’m gonna compute a scatter the dot meansI’m looking for class so I thing I throw in here on our override what I put in there I’m gonna go background: none and this shades gonna be let’s make this a little bit have a moregreyed out coloring let’s see if that happens 555 there yougo it’s actually make it even more great out some subs on barrio so now I have any paragraph does this and anythingwith the class secondary it’s that because we specifieda class a class is now more specific if you’ll notice even if I put secondarybe four typically what happens by the way with CSSrules is what comes after is gonna override so if I had another p we’re all here andthis background is red now this is overriding this because ithappened after that’s why it’s called cascadingstyle membranes kinda cascades it can get characterized appear but you can override it as you move on so what we’ve done now as you noticeclass does not get overridden because class isconsidered more specific its and publish up specificity so now secondaries get no background andthey get a color 777 another way that you are eligible to targetthings oh yes and a neat thing about classescan apply to multiple things they can apply to you this I can alsomake this paragraph have a class secondary aswell so now they both have secondary I canalso make this/ li right here at a class secondary and tickets great out as well it appliesto anything that you at the Class two another way that youcan make a very specific issue in targeting is by ID ID equal special the difference betweenID in class as you can only have one ID per page soI can only have one thing that’s called special on the sheet Icannot create two things with an idea special you’rebreaking the standard rules so I can say secondary has that’s copypaste here and now there’s something with an ideaspecial and this background will be read because after all its special and now there you go so each page canhave one thing announced special but they can have as many things calledsecondary as they want usually you know you wanna class thingsmore than you want to I D things ID is only is something very specific and you know for sure there’s only goingto be one a common instance that is ID equalsnavigation there’s usually exclusively one primarynavigation on the sheet so in this case I I kid induce my you l have an idea nap andthat’s the kind of thing that you’re usually use an ID for I ID’s are a little bitfaster as far as if you have a thousand rulesID’s are going to be a little bit faster after your web page to appear otherclasses are going to be a little bit slower frequently truly are not going to see noticethough unless you get tons and tons and tons and tons and tons CSS classifies so times kinda how webasically style at a web page in our next videowe’re going to cover some more advanced CSS settles